From the beginning, we have been dedicated to documentaries of a social and humane character. Documenta Galicia creators, we are also DOCUS (Asociación para la promoción de documentales ) founding members and we take part in different International events related to documentaries (DOCS Barcelona, Contra el Silencio todas las voces, Red Iberoamericana de Vídeo Documental Independiente). A firm commitment for this genre which started in 1999 when we organized and managed a pioneering experience in Galicia, COMPOSTELA DOCUMENTAL (Semana Internacional de Cine Documental de Santiago de Compostela).
© 2009 MaraProducións
Rúa Melide 9, 3ºB 15705 Tlf/fax: 981 57 05 76. Santiago de Compostela A Coruña Galicia Spain