“The people´s ability to get a decent life from that piece of stone in the sea” is what the Swedish anthropologist Stafan Mörling admires the most of the island of Ons, where he lived in the sixties and seventies. His portrait of the island, situated in the Galician archipelago, accompanied with lots of from-that-period video material, contrast with its current depopulation. 10 people hardly live there the whole year. Ons is dissapearing as human environment with its own cultural and ethnographic characteristics.
With the support of the Dirección Xeral de Comunicación Audiovisual da Xunta de Galicia.
Festivals: Contra el Silencio todas las voces (Mexico)
Direction and script: Mara Gutiérrez
Director of photography: Juan Ángel Barro "Cremi"
camera operator: Juan Ángel Barro "Cremi", Mara Gutiérrez
Film editor: Susana Sotelo, David Plaza
Post-production: Carlos L. Ríos
still photo : Stafan Mörling
Film file: Mikael Mörling
Original music: Emilio Cao
SON de ONS from Mara Producciones on Vimeo.
© 2009 MaraProducións
Rúa Melide 9, 3ºB 15705 Tlf/fax: 981 57 05 76. Santiago de Compostela A Coruña Galicia Spain info@maraproducciones.es